Our Founders

William R. Vitacco

1925 - 1993

William R. Vitacco, began his career at JM Berlinger Architect, as a draftsman. He soon became the in-house expediter for the Firm. In 1969, he began to work as a full time Code Consultant/Expediter for his own clientele which was the beginning of what is now William Vitacco Associates, LTD. It soon became a family business with the help of his wife, Frances Vitacco, and his children.

Through the years to follow, he built an organization which he treated as an extended family. He was loved and respected by all his employees and clients alike.

He would be proud as those same family ethics still remain today in his honor.

Frances Vitacco

1929 - 2016

Frances M. Vitacco was an accomplished woman ahead of her time. In the early years, in addition to being an integral part of the family business originally known as William R. Vitacco, she raised six children, was active in her parish theatrical group, became a certified interior designer, opened an accessories boutique, founded Vitacco Builders and advanced her college education. As the family business grew she assumed more responsibility. She handled the financial side of the business which included the Incorporation and transition of William R. Vitacco into William Vitacco Associates, LTD. in 1985. After the sale of WVA to William C. Vitacco in 1992 and the untimely passing of William R. Vitacco in 1993 she remained involved. Just prior to her retirement in the late 1990’s she met and married her second love. She divided her golden years between Long Island and Florida sharing holidays and vacations with her children, nine grandchildren, extended family and friends. She was laid to rest in January of 2016.

Alongside and in partnership with William R. Vitacco, her strong work ethic and dedication to family business values created the type of business that lives on today in WVA.